Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 4

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a BR1720
Augustine of Hippo : a biography
California, [ United States ] : University of California Press , 1969 Brown, Peter 5537
2 a QA76.73
Pascal from Basic
Massachusetts, [ United States ] : Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. , 1982 Brown, Peter 25362
3 a PR1874
Chaucer at work : the making of the Canterbury tales
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Longman Group Ltd. , 1994 Brown, Peter 37978
4 a BT708
The body and society : Men, women and sexual renunciation in early christianity/Peter Brown
New York, [ United States ] : Columbia University Press , 1988 Brown, Peter 0231061005 93219